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200+ Frasa Bahasa Inggris Dasar untuk Melatih Conversation (Level Beginner)

200+ Frasa bahasa Inggris dasar untuk melatih conversation

Pernah mendengar atau melihat kalimat seperti ini

Hello dude, What's up?

Kalimat di atas adalah salah satu bentuk prasa.

Prasa atau dalam bahasa Inggris phrase.

Menurut kamus oxford, phrase is a small group of word standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause.

Di sini saya mengartikan prasa sebagai sekumpulan kata yang kerap digunakan sebagai ungkapan dalam sebuah percakapan.

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Prasa sendiri tidak kadang tidak terikat pada pola Subyek+Verb tapi tetap memiliki arti dalam kalimat.

Sebenarnya jika dibedakan dari jenisnya, prasa ini terdiri dari 9 macam yaitu

Noun phrase
Adjective phrase
Adverbial phrase
Verb phrase
Gerund phrase
To infinitive phrase
Participle phrase
Exclamantory phrase

Namun di sini saya tidak akan membahas satu-satu jenis di atas, karena saya ingin fokus dengan contoh prasa yang mudah dan yang jelas sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Apa manfaat belajar prasa?

Selain menambah vocabulary, keuntungan dari belajar prasa ini adalah untuk meningkatkan variasi kita dalam berbicara, misalnya ketika bertemu teman lama kita tidak hanya mengatakan, 

How are you? 

Tapi bisa dengan kalimat lain misalnya,

how's it goin?


how ya doin'?

Dan ini akan keliatan lebih natural dan umum diucapkan oleh orang luar.

Keuntungan dari belajar prasa adalah kita secara tidak langsung akan belajar grammar tanpa kita sadari.

Biarpun judul di atas mengatakan kita akan mempelajari 200 macam prasa, namun saya yakin, sebagian kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini sering dengar.

Mengatakan halo dan selamat tinggal

Hey (informal)
Hi there
Howdy (informal)
See ya later (informal)
Take care
Have a good one

Mengatakan Ya atau Tidak

Uh-huh !
Sure !
No way !

Menanyakan kabar seseorang

frasa bahasa Inggris, belajar bahasa inggris, tips belajar bahasa Inggris,

How are you?
How's it going?
How ya doin'?
How are thing?
How's life?
How have you been ?
How's your family?
What's up?
What's new?
What have you been up to lately?

Mengatakan keadaanmu sekarang

I'm fine, thanks. How about you?
Pretty good
Not bad
Can't complain.
I've been busy.
Same as always.
Not so great.
Could be better.
Biasanya untuk menjawab "What's up?" dan "What's new?" Cukup dengan "Not much"

Mengatakan Terima Kasih

Thanks a lot
Thank you so much
Thanks a million !
Thanks for your help atau thanks for helping me.
I really appreciate it.
I'm really grateful
That's so kind of you
I can't thank you enough ( untuk sesuatu yang penting)
I owe you one

Merespon Ungkapan Terima Kasih

You're welcome
No problem
No worries
Don't mention it.
My pleasure
It was at least I could do
Glad to help
Sure !
Thank you

Mengatakan permintaan maaf

I'm sorry that....
It's my fault.
Oops, sorry.
I should have
I apologize for .... ( formal )

Merespon permintaan maaf

That's OK
It happens
No problem.
Don't worry about it.
I forgive you


I just want to introduce myself. I'm... (lanjutkan dengan namamu) 
I don't think we've met before. My name's ....(sebutkan namamu) 
This is ...
I'd like you to meet ...
Have you met ...?
I'd like to introduce you to...
Nice to meet you.
It's pleasure to meet you.
And you.

Menunjukkan bahwa kita tertarik

That's interesting

Mengakhiri percakapan dengan sopan.

It was nice chatting with you.
Well, it's getting late.
Anyway, I should get going.
Sorry, but I'm afraid I need to... (formal)
I'm sorry to cut you off, but I actually gotta run.

Bicara di telfon

Hi, this is ...
May I speak with Mr.Sensei?
Is Mr.Sensei there?
I'm calling about...
I'm returning your call.
One moment, please. (formal)
Hang on a sec. (informal)
He's not here. Would you like to leave a message?
Could you ask him to call me back?
Thanks for calling.

Menanyakan informasi

Can you tell me...?
Could you tell me... ?
I'd like to know...
Do you know...
Do you have any idea... ?
Could anyone tell me... ? (percakapan dalam kelompok)
Would you happen to know...?
I don't suppose you (would) know...?
I was wondering...
I'm calling to find out... (percakapan di telfon)

Mengatakan aku tidak tahu

I have no idea/clue
I can't help you there.
Beats me. (informal)
I'm not really sure.
I've been wondering that, too.

Menanyakan pendapat seseorang dan memberikan pendapat

What do you think about... ?
How do you feel about... ?
What's your opinion of...?
What are your views on...?
In my opinion...
I'd say...
Personally, I think/believe...
If you ask me...
The way I see it...
From my point of view...

Mengatakan tidak punya pendapat

I've never given it much thought.
I don't have strong feeling either way.
It doesn't make any difference to me.
I have no opinion on the matter.
Whatever (very informal)

Mengatakan setuju

That's so true.
That's for sure.
I agree 100%.
I couldn't agree with you more.
That's exactly what I think. / That's exactly how I feel.
Tell me about it. / You're telling me ! (informal)
I'll say ! (informal)
I suppose so.

Mengatakan Tidak setuju

I don't think so.
I beg to differ.
I'm afraid I don't agree.
I'm not so sure about that.
That's not how I see it.
Not necessarily.
Yes, but... ( pendapat kalian)
On the contrary.
No way (very informal)
I totally disagree. (very strong)

Merespon berita baik

That's great!
How wonderful !
Awesome !
I'm so happy for you !

Merespon berita buruk

Oh no ...
That's terrible.
Poor you. (situasi yang buruk tapi tidak serius)
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm sorry for your loss. (digunakan saat situasi berduka cita)

Mengajak dan Menolak Ajakan

Are you free... [Saturday night ?]
Are you doing anything ... [Saturday night ?]
Let me check my calender.
Do you wanna... [see a movie] (informal)
Would you like to .... [join me for dinner ?]
I'd live to !
Sounds great!
I'd love to, but I have another commitment.
I don't think I can.
Maybe another time.

Memesan atau merespon pesanan

Would you like a drink? (more formal)
Do you want some water? (informal)
Can I get you something to eat?
That's be great, thanks.
No, thanks. I'm OK

Membicarakan rencana masa depan

I'm going to...
I'm planning to...
I hope to...
I'd like to...
I might... / I may...
I'm thinking about ...

Bicara tentang hal yang suka dan tidak suka

I love ... [guitar]
I'm really into... [guitar]
I live for... [guitar]
[guitar] is my thing.
I'm crazy about .... [guitar]
I'm not a huge fan of... [cartoon]
[Cartoon] isn't my cup of tea.
I don't really care for...  [cartoon]
I'm not into...  [cartoon]
I can't stand... [cartoon] ( untuk mengatakan hal yang benar-benar tidak disukai)

Memberikan saran

How about ....  [cth. looking someone new]?
Why don't you .... [cth. talk to your dad]?
Maybe we should ...  [cth. Hangout on weekend]
I'd recommend ...  [cth. going to the beach].
Have you thought about...  [cth. selling your old phone] ?

Bertanya/membicarakan pekerjaan

Where do you work?
What do you do? What do you for a living?
I work at...  [Apple]
I'm a/an ...
I'm unemployed. / I'm between jobs at the moment.
I'm looking for work.
I'm a stay-at-home mom/dad.
I run my own business.
I'm a freelance...  [writer/designer/etc.]
I'm retired.

Mendiskripsikan status atau hubungan

I'm single.
I have a boyfriend/girlfriend
We're engaged.
We're getting married in January
I'm married.
I've been married for...  [berapa tahun].
I'm divorced.
I'm widowed. (suami/istrinya sudah meninggal)
I'm not looking for anything serious.
I'm not quite over my ex. (susah move on)

Cara agar mudah mengingat prasa-prasa di atas adalah dengan mempraktekkannya langsung dengan teman baik melalui percakapan langsung atau lewat chatting di media sosial seperti facebook.

Sering-seringlah mengucapkan kalimat-kalimat di atas agar semakin fasih dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris.

Bagaimana mudah kan?

Tinggal pahami situasinya, pilih yang menarik dan

Bummm !!!

You'll be expert man !!!

Sumber : 500+ Real English Phrases

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